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Welcome To The Home Page of |DPG| Tha Dogg Pound Gangstas!!! We are not the biggest MOHAA clan in the world, but we do have a decent size clan of what is now officially 107 members strong. Our CLAN WELCOMES our newest member which is |DPG| [US] Sniper who joined our clan on 12/05/02. The benefits of joining |DPG| are as follows:
Online Tournaments
Clan vs. Clan Battles
Lan Parties
Great Access To Our Servers That Have Virtually No Lag!!!
Notifications of new MOHAA developments and total conversion mods.
The list goes on and on!!!
Send an email to |DPG|'s C.O. []V[]aX][[]V[]u$ at maximus@thadpg.com to join the clan.
I, |DPG| []V[]aX][[]V[]u$ formed |DPG| aka Tha Dogg Pound Gangstas when Medal of Honor was first released. Back then our clan was the []V[]u|2|)e|2 clan or in simple words the Murderers. Our clan changed its name shortly after (About 2 Months Later) to Tha |DPG| simply because alot of people who wanted to join the []V[]u|2|)e|2 clan simply couldnt figure out how to spell it right, lol. I, Maximus will continue to update |DPG|'s homepage daily (Well, just about daily!!! I do work too you know!!!). The servers will be on 8 to 16 hours a day 5 to 7 days a week depending on my availabiliy. Of course we arent remotely as big as the 101st who has over 530 clan members, but we try our best to offer the MOHAA community what we can.
|DPG|(5*Gen.) []V[]aX][[]V[]u$
11/22/02 Raptor has resigned his leadership role of 3*General and leader of D-3. Also, I (Maximus) have cut alot of the inactive members from the roster.
Hi guys Raptor has decided to resign his rank of 3*General and to no longer lead D-3 of |DPG| due to him not being as active and having poor internet lately. However, Raptor is one of the orignal 11 members of |DPG| that started on January 23rd, 2002 and he will continue to be a great member of our clan as the rank of Lt. Col.
Also, I (Max) have decided to make cuts in the clan to the people who were inactive in |DPG|. Those who were inactive can still come back to the clan if you decide to become active again and meet the required criteria.
I (Max) am looking for 1 certain individual who can lead D-3 of |DPG|. This task would be to actively recruit, make and set up clan matches on OGL, set up matches that are unofficial just for fun, make clan and division tactics, clan mail for your own division mainly as well as the rest of |DPG|, help out in updating, help clan get sponsored, beta testing in TMT The Modding Theater, organization of D-3 on OGL, etc., etc., etc. This list goes on and on. I will pick whoever I feel is the most qualified for this position. I must admit their are a few I am closely looking at right now for the position of 1* General of D-3. Please know that whoever I pick, whether you agree with it or not will be the best pick and for the best interest and success of |DPG|. So that means it could be a long time veteran player or even somebody who has been in a month. If you can prove to me that you have what it takes to lead a divison in |DPG|, you will be chosen.
Send in your application for 1*General of |DPG| with the subject title as - Application for 1*General to:
I will select my 1*General within the next 48 hours. So please if you want this position give me a good direct reason why I should make you this rank and so on. Also, as a 1*General in |DPG| gives you full |DPG| admin access to our server.
Last, I decided to promote General Will Fix to a 4*General since I feel he has deserved this position as second in command for quite sometime. I know I said their will never be another 4*General in |DPG|, but I feel different now on that issue and can trust Will Fix as this rank. I also promoted Slash to 2* General since I feel he has also deserved some kind of huge award for all his strong efforts in this clan. Please try to remember that most MOHAA clans fail and die after only one month. |DPG| has been around since the dawn of the full release of MOHAA on January 23rd, 2002.
Good luck to those of you who are applying for 1*General. All who send in application will have their application closely looked at that is a promise.
Thanks Guys And Take Care,
Max aka |DPG|(5*Gen.) []V[]aX][[]V[]u$
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!!!
Any successful clan such as ours needs one important thing/things... and that is good attitude active recruits!!! Attention to all clan members!!! We need more active good attitude people in |DPG|. So please always try to get more good attitude people to join. If you guys get a person who seems talented to join |DPG|, even though he/she is good at MOHAA and has a bad attitude, please dont sign them up to join |DPG| cause this clan is about fun postive people and we dont want any people in |DPG| who are negative, cause it ruins the fun of the game for all of us. Even if the guy or gal is the most talented person you have ever recruited, we dont want the person in |DPG| if theyre a person who has a negative attitude and always complains about everything. Tell them about the benefits of joining our clan.
|DPG|D-1(Col.) Head Shot |
11/07/02 Update lol. |DPG| Officers vs. Enlisted Clan Scrimage on Sunday November 7th, 2002 at 2:00 P.M PST/3:00 Arizona Time/5:00 P.M EST Be There It Will Be A Blast!!! Also New |DPG| Clan Server With IP Address On About Page!!!
Hi guys, I couldnt take the lagg anymore from our last server lol. Russell our |DPG| Tech support guy has moved us to a better nicer server on a larger pipe with no traffic. Anyhow, it will be officers vs. enlisted and you will all have to enter a password to play on the server since its gonna be closed to the public. If you get the password right it will say connecting to server. However, if you do it wrong it will say Server Full. And last, if the server has 20 guys in it then its really full!!! LOL. Seeyah guys on Sunday and mean time practice up. Oh yea, you need to check your email for the password, since I dont wanna post it here since it could go into the wrong hands.
Take Care,
|DPG|(5*Gen.) []V[]aX][[]V[]u$

^Clan Logo^
Dont you guys wish MOHAA had spray tags like Counter-Strike does? It would be awesome to spray our clan tag on walls over the dead guys bodies huh? Oh well... maybe the guys over at alliedassault.com will come up with one.
maximus@thadpg.com |